To answer reader’s questions each month she uses a pendulum and the guidance of her spirit helpers. She says: ‘The pendulum I use is a beautiful amethyst crystal on a chain. It was given to me by my late mum, Sam, 20 years ago. To get an answer to a question I first tune into my spirit guides, talking to them in my head. My guides are my brothers Keith, a fireman, who died in 1989, aged 25, and Mike, a former policeman who died in 2013, aged 52. It’s like having a direct phone line to them and I also use my psychic ability to receive their answers. They use the pendulum to communicate ‘yes’ and ‘no’ but also give me a wealth of feelings too in connection with the question. I trust my ability and I trust the pendulum. In a word, it’s priceless!’
Paula O’Brien
Psychic medium and mum of four Paula discovered her special gift as a young child and is able to see, hear and feel spirits.

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